International Students

학교생활 안내 -Campus LifeKorean

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National Health Insurance

According to the policy by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, all foreigners staying in Korea are automatically enrolled in the National Health Insurance without the need for an application.

National Health Insurance Service

- A system that guarantees prevention, diagnosis, treatment, etc. of diseases and injuries that may occur for the health and social security of the people within the territory of the Republic of Korea, excluding beneficiaries of medical benefits
- Foreigners are also guaranteed the same health insurance benefits as Koreans
- Operated with contributions from the insured and government subsidies

Insurance Payments

- Payment period: Payment obligations arise from the date of alien registration and insurance premiums are paid monthly
- Payment method
1) Electronic Bill: Receive by email or mobile every month
2) Automatic transfer: Automatic withdrawal of health insurance premiums on the monthly payment deadline (25th)
  • Failure to pay the national health insurance will result in disadvantages in the examination of the extension of the immigration period, so make sure to pay within the deadline.


NHIS Seoul Center for Foreign Residents ☎ 1577-1000 (Press number 6 for foreign language service after calling the number), ☎ 033-811-2000 (English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Uzbek service available)

Sogang University International Student Insurance Plan

Undergraduate students staying in Korea are required to subscribe to Sogang University’s International Student Insurance in addition to the National Health Insurance. The group insurance includes special coverage for international students that is not provided by the National Health Insurance.
It is particularly important to subscribe to the group insurance because you will not receive National Health Insurance coverage before completing your foreigner registration. This ensures that you are protected against diseases and injuries that may occur before your registration is finalized.

Group Insurance Instruction

Insurance Premium: KRW 42,000 (6-Month) / KRW 60,000 (1 year)
Insurance Company: DB Insurance Co., Ltd.

Group Insurance Application Website


JoongAng INS Korea ☎ 02-776-8500(English), 02-3481-2133(Chinese), 070-4254-8501(Vietnamese)