International Students

비자 - Visa/ImmigrationKorean

  • 축소
  • 확대
  • 인쇄

Change of Academic Status and Study(D-2) Visa

Study(D-2) visa is only valid while the student is enrolled and attending classes. If a student with a D-2 visa undergoes any of the following changes in academic status, their D-2 visa will expire regardless of the visa expiry date. Students whose academic status changes as described below must leave the country within 30 days of the change. Failure to do so will result in being classified as an illegal resident.

Changes in Academic Status

  • Leave of absence
  • Withdrawal
  • Expulsion
  • Graduation or completion of studies
  • Exchange semester abroad (over 6 months)

Return to School

Students returning to school after a leave of absence must apply for re-enrollment and then request a new Certificate of Admission to obtain a new Study(D-2) visa.
The Certificate of Admission should be requested through the One-Stop Service Center after re-enrollment.A valid financial certificate must be submitted when applying for the Certificate of Admission.